Dolly Horse Game

Using a grid which represents the game board or playing field, we have up to 6 horses racing in each game. Volunteers are picked to be the jockeys and race their horse to the finish line. Each race is played every 15-20 minutes. There is a program provided with each race, name of each horse and the odds of the horse winning. Wages are made prior to the Post Time and then the race begins with an operator rolling 2 dice on the playing field. The number rolled corresponds with the horse number. Each time the horse?s number is rolled, that horse moves 1 step closer to the finish line. Once a horse crosses the finish line, that horse is the winner and the 2nd and 3rd horse will place and show as well. Then the players will go back to the betting window and collect their money and or place another bet for the next race. This is repeated until the contract time is up.


20'L x 20'W x 6'H

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